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Golden Notes: Digital Gold Certificates on the Bitcoin network.

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As developers, system builders, and enthusiastic users of alternative models of exchange, initially through Bitcoin and other crypto-assets traded between pairs and executed on BFT (Byzantine Fault Resistant) technology, we live the experience of being responsible consumers in a free system, not manipulated or censored. But not only this is possible on this technology, economic transactions, contractual information, and even knowledge transactions also have a place in the Bitcoin protocol. We have been popularizers since the beginning of the original protocol that Satoshi Nakamoto bequeathed to us and that has received a global consensus.

We transcribe and validate on a daily basis in our practice the White paper by Satoshi Nakamoto from 2008 that we cite here in its introduction and conclusions:

A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow en línea online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the mayor largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.

GOLDEN NOTES is the convergence of the Bitcoin technology, allowing us to obtain true results without centralized validators through the Nakamoto consensus described above, and the oldest, most stable, secure, and universal store of value: GOLD.

Golden Notes unifies the digital record of an asset on the Bitcoin blockchain, with physical gold as a universal value reserve asset of natural capital.

The Nakamoto consensus of Bitcoin in its original version is not only a “cryptocurrency”, but the most important protocol so far, to record and preserve all kinds of human information since the invention of paper, the papyrus scroll, the codex, or the book.

Reference: Bitcoin: A peer to peer electronic cash system.


Each Golden Note is a security equivalent to one gram of Gold in a certified deposit and backed by NI 43101 of mining surface and by SKR of physical gold; In addition to the characteristics inherited from the bitcoin protocol, Golden Notes has characteristics that define its use as a private negotiable financial instrument:

Fungible: Each unit of Golden Notes  is equated to the value of 1 gram of gold, its value is backed by an underlying collateral in available gold with NI-43101 certificate or physical gold with SKR.

Golden Notes is based on the principles of the resource-based economy, with an underlying collateral guarantee based on gold, this being the certainty of a real asset, existing in nature and accessible to carry out decentralized barter exchanges instantly, freely between peers. The natural capital asset used for each issue lies on a NI 43101 certified gold surface. 

Every issuance is possible when Golden Notes agrees the ownership or usufruct of the land with prospection, exploration, and mining exploitation permits for Gold, it also manages the obtaining of the NI 43101 certificate of the surface areas that will support the emissions of the digital asset. Additional reserves for new issuances as underlying collateral of support will be obtained subsequently, developing the NI 43101 certification of other surface facilities, allowing to have certified security and fungibility, in addition to the guarantee of having this asset of the real economy with certification and reserve of natural capital.

Divisible: Each Golden Note equals the value of one gram of gold which is divided into 10,000 equal parts that we call quarks (each part is equivalent to 100 micrograms of gold), small enough to allow microtransactions, while the Golden Notes allow you to transfer huge amounts in real-time at a cost close to zero.

Portable: The progressive web app of Golden Notes allows its holders to send and receive Golden Notes with counterparties anywhere in the world in real time, instantly, or to keep savings of their Golden Notes in their personal wallets, private keys safeguarded and accessible only through their personal account of Google.

Store of Value: Since the Golden Notes are tied to the price of the gram of gold, anyone can freely use them as a refuge based on the stable and robust economy of gold, and against the inevitable devaluation of fiat currencies and the undesirable volatility of crypto-assets. Every holder of Golden Notes owns, by definition, a part of a Gold mine certified with NI 43101 that supports it as collateral, while 72% of the monetary collection of each Golden Note is also converted into physical gold 99.99%, safeguarded and certified by AA + banks and SKR certifiers audited by the Golden Notes community.

Golden Notes are a store of value not only because of their backing in physical gold, but because the digital certificate is built to serve as underlying collateral for a number of other tokens that can develop roles in the most diverse areas of human action. Golden Notes are the price standard in this ecosystem with exchange value based on natural capital resources expressed in physical form and registered, quantified, and certified through the bitcoin protocol.

Unit of Account: Gold has been used as a form of money for thousands of years, however, despite its enormous advantages, it is difficult for the general public to understand the equivalence between a certain amount of gold and the goods or services they acquire on a daily basis. Golden Notes allow you to have an investment in Gold and use it as a unit of account in exchange for any good or service, understanding the amount expressed in your local currency. You can also use the real-time equivalents to exchange them for other assets or to express an intelligible value in any fiat currency or other crypto-assets.

Exchangeable: Since the Golden Notes are negotiable digital certificates, the property can be transferred using the digital signatures that are recorded in the Bitcoin SV blockchain. Whoever can sign a certain unspent transaction output, that is, the owner of the private key is the owner of the security, and the only one who can abdicate its property in favor of anyone else, only with the public key hash address of the user to whom he wants to transfer, and later, signing the transaction with his own private key. This process does not require any technical knowledge, the Golden Notes platform allows this in the most user-friendly way from an interface designed with ease of use, a pleasant user experience, and the best level of security in mind.

Easy Acquisition: Obtaining Golden Notes is very easy through the Platform Ecosystem at and, you must register on the platform to obtain one or more wallets that allow you to send, receive and keep your Golden Notes.
Later you can load your wallets through exchanges where the asset is listed and available.


We believe in individual freedom as a necessary factor for life in harmony with natural capital, therefore, our only proposal for planning the economy is to produce technology that improves free trade between human beings, our practice of life takes freedom as an intrinsic need of human beings  and we believe, as Carl Menger, that economic science is derived from philosophical logic. Golden Notes shares the postulates of his work The Origins of Money, when rescuing the properties of good money, either as a medium of exchange or as a store of value:

Previous non-monetary demand: That is to say, it must be about goods that have a demand beyond their monetary use, since their non-monetary value is prior to the monetary use.

Accessibility: There must be possible to obtain that particular asset and, furthermore, its obtaining and exploitation must not be legally restricted.

Easy to transform: For its use as a unit of account, it must be possible to store it in homogeneous portions.

Treasurability: both with regard to the preservation of value over time and the possibility of disposing of a part without reducing the value of the remaining money.

Relative scarcity: especially with regard to money as a store of value, since a large increase in global production would significantly reduce personal wealth.

Value stability: in the event of geographical, temporal or quantity changes.

Despite this, it should be clarified that a good can fulfill partial functions of money even if it is not stable in the face of spatial, temporal, and quantity changes at the same time, as an example, the current fiduciary money that we have managed to understand leaves us tied to partialities, impositions, fictitious rules and non-existent bubble counting in the real economic life of human beings.

Murray Rothbard shouted at us from the libertarian vision that "A commodity that is widely used as a medium of exchange is defined as money. Obviously, while the concept of "medium of exchange" is precise, and indirect exchange can be clearly separated from the direct exchange, the concept of "money" is less precise. The point at which a medium of exchange comes into "common" or "general" use is not strictly definable, and whether a medium is a money or not can only be decided by historical research and the judgment of the historian.

The benefits provided by a good in its use as money should not require that they be contributed by its non-monetary value, say the defenders of free banking or cryptocurrencies without underlying collaterals because they argue that fulfilling some of the characteristics of good money seen above could perfectly fulfill the same utility.

Now, the capacity of the fractional reserve system of central banks and governments decreases economic activity, resizes bureaucratic regulations, and increases speculation due to manipulation of the monetary issue of fiat money without a reserve of real value backed by natural capital assets. like Gold, they make it clear to us that individuals in a private way could enter the same exchange logic without a really assured value, distorting the necessary price system, that is why Golden Notes was created to solve that dilemma and allow free transactions instantly, complying with the parameters of good money that our ancestors left us with Gold as a reserve of value and monetary account standard.

If money, like any other good, derives its value from the benefits it offers, it is hard to imagine why it is necessary for those benefits to have a track record. Are these facts that cryptocurrencies allow pseudonymous, irreversible transactions, at a lower cost and in a shorter time, sufficient attributions to give them value without the need for a “precursor”?

 Cryptocurrencies, tokens, digital structured notes do not pose a challenge for the Regression theorem but rather a confirmation. At its birth, cryptocurrencies offered useful characteristics that gave them interesting “uses”, which led to a demand that did not exist before its creation, and that demand arises from the benefits that its use has with respect to conventional money. Bitcoin is useful as money as long as its properties are appreciated as a medium of exchange: scarce, difficult to falsify, homogeneous, transportable, or divisible, and it is the perceived utility of these benefits that makes Bitcoin valued without having had a non-monetary prior demand.

The Golden Notes solve the previous paradigms and this is not determined by their monetary utility but is established by their qualities as a means of exchange (in continuous expansion and clearly superior to fiduciary money), unit of account and stable store of value, being used as a safe haven asset based on certified Gold.

Due to its very nature, where the production costs of new cryptocurrencies are really low, a huge range of possibilities opens up that make us face some exciting years in terms of monetary theory, allowing value to be given to the economy based on natural capital resources in constant possibility of developing fungible tokens that solve exchange needs, financing, store of value, future acquisition or purchase option through Smart-contracts on the Blockchain protocol, via the original concept of Satoshi Nakamoto supported for the best asset that human beings have managed to take as a reserve and refuge: Gold 4.0 here and now is Golden Notes.

We issue the Golden Notes to circulate and collaboratively create an economy that unifies the Gold standard and the traceability, transparency and indelible record of Blockchain with the instant efficiency of transactional exchange at low cost.

From marginal value theory to peer-to-peer human action for financial sovereignty.

Our proposal in the face of monetary issuance and the problems that central banks have generated in the economic system is to take back the gold standard as a natural evolution of mankind who has historically used it as a store of value, and revalue the priority of conserving, regenerating and giving the value of natural capital through the certified GOLD standard and through the best available technology, and include other values of this as underlying collateral based on assets of the real economy linked to natural capital, prioritizing in terms of the theory of value and monetary issue the maximums coined by Ludwig Von Mises, when referring to the scourge of inflation by the emission of huge bubbles of flows of funds from the inflation-generating nations that destroy the purchasing power and life of the population, he said: “Inflation is the true opium of the people”.

Our efforts are focused on promoting the free determination of assets barter basing the price standard on the GOLD pattern and using the blockchain transferability and traceability, which allows human beings, freely and voluntarily, to transfer a property. The trade counts on the GOLDEN NOTES, with a unit of measure and account in underlying real collateral of the natural capital.
As a consequence, the need for a monopoly on the issuance of money is eliminated and free exchange is allowed. In the words of Friedrich Hayek:
"I doubt that any monopoly has done as much damage as the monopoly of the issuance of money."

We will always be free to feel the individual need to share, to support each other in the harmony of opposites, exchanging between pairs on an equal footing of rights before ourselves the fruits of our knowledge, effort, work, and ability to deliver, and to achieve the free exchange of goods, services, and assets backed by natural capital through Gold as a certainty of the value of a digital barter.


Golden Notes
has its origins in the mists of time when mankind by social interaction and individual free will managed to resolve his economic exchanges through barter and took the Aurus ... Gold as a monetary standard of unit of account and measure of value.

These practices of social interaction transmitted and executed throughout history have consolidated knowledge in economic theory and given practical solutions for trade and the satisfaction of the needs of communities and individuals. Golden Notes is a solution based on the legacy of so many entrepreneurs, economists, and philosophers of the economy that live in us and we feel them present when resizing the economy based on natural capital resources that are possible to measure, give value and transmit globally by universal consensus.

Here we want to highlight the subjective theory of value of goods enunciated by Diego de Covarrubias y Leyva who said that "the value of a thing does not depend on its objective nature but on the subjective estimation of men", as life determines the consciousness of beings and life is in the here and now mind, body and spirit, each one has his subjective valuation of things. Each being can value and need a good today but measure it with another value tomorrow because as Heraclitus of Ephesusused to say “everything flows, everything is in motion and nothing lasts forever, that's why no one bathes twice in the same river because it flows and every man also”.

In that existence of today we must highlight Martín de Azpilicueta who said "present assets are valued more than future assets” This is why today the existing Gold must be certified with SKR or NI 43101 certification.

Golden Notes has in mind in its management model to provide a solution to the distorting effects of inflation, in this sense, we remember Juan de Mariana, who said that “inflation is an effect of the manipulation of currencies by the rulers.

These theorists of the Salamanca school in the 16th century provided the initial example of the criticism of banking theory and their criticism of fractional reserve in that banks cannot use the money deposited in them to grant loans and thus obtain in this way a benefit as it bequeathed us Saravia de la Calle or Luis de Molina, who is the first theorist to point out that deposits and in general bank money are part of the money supply just like cash.

What we put into practice is a current technological solution to economic theory that is based on the belief that all social phenomena are explainable by the actions of individuals. We share the postulates of Carl Menger (1840-1921), Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992), Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914), Ludwig von Mises (1884-1973) or Murray Rothbard, among others who consolidated ideas about a economy of the human condition based on resources that provide solutions for free exchange between peers.

Critics of virtual money argue that Bitcoin does not conform to Ludwig Von Mises's Regression Theorem in his 1921 book Theory of Money and Credit when he claims that a currency is in demand today because it is believed that tomorrow it will retain its value. , that is, you will maintain your purchasing power. Golden Notes achieves this through its backing in GOLD that is valued for its non-monetary utility. Gold for millennia had had ornamental or industrial uses before being used as a medium of exchange for many other centuries, in different civilizations, and intensely like other goods that have been used as a means of barter such as cattle or salt, which had high nutritional value or conservation utilities prior to their widespread use in trade.


When you acquire 1 Golden Note, at the equivalent of one gram of Gold, this is distributed within the portfolio as follows:

a) 72% of the total is destined to acquire Gold certified with SKR  which will be a reserve of additional real value to the mining surface that supports it. This volume of gold is protected in securitization and custodian institutions of gold, as well as by custodian banks in Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, UK, Brazil and the USA.

These gold flows acquired from old reserves already injected or generated through the recovery of polluting mining waste or tailings from old mines will be minted in coins and certified gold bars 99.99% purity as a store of value and commemorative numismatic of the first issuance. Deposits in custodial institutions will be monitored by RFID chips and / or other sensors (allowing geo-satellite tracking and detection of temperature changes, among the main parameters), audited and certified by external institutions that will issue periodic certifications.

b) 11% of the total value will be used to recover soils contaminated with old mining tailings that have been inactive for a long time and generate leachate and rain waste of enormous danger to the ecosystem. This flow will also be used to carry out prospecting, exploration and NI 43101, SKR or JORC Code certification studies of surface miners for new Golden Notes issues. 
The minerals generated through this process will be recovered with applied technology to separate soil, water and polluting minerals, ferrous and precious metals to obtain certified Gold and other minerals that will be converted into digital assets in the investment platform of Golden Notes protocol, that will tokenize what it actually obtains from the recovered natural capital. In this way, a tokenization ecosystem with Smart-contract based on recovered resources is generated, resizing and reducing the negative environmental impact, these positive externalities of natural capital and the tokenization of assets of the real economy are a super-aggregator of value and opportunities to guarantee other human activities to be tokenized in the future. Through this system, we will comply with the sustainable development objectives, allowing ecosystems to be recovered and pollutants removed from soils, revaluing the affected areas. The duly certified mineral deposits will be under the protection of the custodial institutions Banking Trust and will serve as additional underlying collateral for the tokenization of other assets of the real economy in processes of generation of silver token, copper token, soy token, trees token, wine token, cash back token, real estate token, energy token, etc…; Allowing the development of Smart-contracts with fungible and non-fungible tokens and co-generating a virtuous ecosystem of an economy based on real resources that can be proactively exchanged and negotiated through smart contracts in a return or delivery time window. Such a system allows individuals to actively participate in productive processes as responsible consumers whose footprint can be traced, and protocols for compliance with environmental, social and cultural certifications that generate good living practices and free exchange among peers.

c) Another 11% of the value of each Golden Note will be invested in renewable, sustainable and clean energy generation based on two strategic energy sources: hydrogen from gray water already consumed by humans and final disposal separating waste in triagem to later generate clean energy and transform organic waste into bio-gas and sustainable natural mineral organic fertilizer to improve the soil biome.

Golden Notes complies with the generation of the necessary energy reserve to guarantee its transactionality in the Bitcoin network through the production of clean and low-cost energy that optimizes resources and recovers natural capital at the same time that it provides energy for the network on which it works.

We solve the dilemma of the energy consumption of the underlying transactional network, Bitcoin, through our Hedge Fund financing startups Golden Clean Tech, which will generate renewable energy at an amount equal to or greater than the energy used by the protocol system that we will use for transactions of Golden Notes. This way, the entire operation of Golden Notes will be part of a collaborative circular economy process that does not pollute and cleanly generates the energy consumed by the system for exchange between peers.

d) 6% of the total value of each Golden Note will be used for the development of the entire integrated ecosystem, the consolidation and permanent training of the strategic co-management teams, and the platforms that support Golden Notes:

  • The issuing, custodian and transmitting platform of Golden Notes in free exchange between peers.
  • The platform that registers and certifies all the administration and co-management procedures of the ecosystem in the processes provided in the White Paper, the custody of Gold with SKR, the certification of surface miners with NI 43101, the audit of compliance with the Whitepaper and of securitization institutions by entities that certify and guard the assets will be launched in the fourth quarter of 2021.
  •  A tokenizing platform for investments in assets of the real economy that plans to execute various elements of the ecosystem by tokenizing them and making Smart-contracts for their free execution between pairs: energy token, waste token, metal token, exchange cashback token, influencers token, entertainment token, SBLC token, in addition to future partnerships with institutions that through Golden Notes, Golden Tokens and Golden Smart-contracts will be able to create their fungible or non-fungible free exchange tokens with assets from the real economy. This will be released in the third quarter of 2021.
  • Golden Market Merchant platform that we will launch in the first quarter of 2022 that will allow free barter with Golden Notes as a means of exchange so that sellers of goods, services and / or products with traceability and Golden Smart-contracts that certify the existence of the action. 

The 6% value that will be used by the technical development team to implement all the ecosystem processes, which is covered at the end of the 10-year period by the generation of NI 43101 from mining tailings to be recovered with reserves possible to extract in silver, molybdenum, tantalum and other non-ferrous minerals.


Golden Notes is a technical solution of electronically transferable security for the oldest store of value of mankind on earth: Gold, duly certified as a resource of natural capital, which is a finite, scarce, durable, fungible resource that can be used as a standard of prices. If barter assistants are used as a medium of exchange, Golden Notes are therefore in practice a form of private money. But for this mean of exchange to be valid, it must, like gold, be durable.

The Golden Notes rest on one of the pillars that the actual narrative of the "fourth industrial revolution" call Blockchain. What we can objectively presume is that as long as there is a need for exchange of value and/or information in a secure, traceable, instantaneous way, at a very low cost and free from central monopolizing entities, the original concept of Bitcoin will exist and therefore also the ledger of the Golden Notes protocol, The real question should be: on which of all the "blockchains" is it preferable to run?

Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Vision) is the original protocol embodied in the whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 , which was the first to solve the Byzantine generals problem using Proof of Work (PoW) and the Nakamoto consensus in a minimalist but very efficient system to achieve consensus regarding the ledger of an asset such as Bitcoin without the need for a central server that can be used for manipulation and abuse. This applies not only to information relevant to bitcoin as a crypto asset but also to any other information that you want to register on the network, such as Golden Notes, which is technically a sub-protocol on the same Bitcoin network.
As long as there are satisfied users and nodes that compete with computing power to win the “rewards” (coinbase transactions or compensation in bitcoin for deciphering the hash that will be the header of the next block and thus building the blockchain, confirming the transactions and keeping the network secure), there will be Bitcoin, but moving forward in time, the algorithm reduces that reward constantly as it reaches the Bitcoin issuance limit. Therefore, another source is necessary to encourage miners: the transactional fee. Satoshi designed a charge or fee that pays each Bitcoin transaction if it wants to be recorded on the blockchain. This compensation is essential for Bitcoin to be viable when the issuance ends.
If Bitcoin does not reach a sufficient number of user-transactions for each mined block, the fee would have to be much higher for mining to be profitable. An insufficient number of transactions per block is the reason why Bitcoin-segwit or BTC is expensive and slow to confirm transactions and also why a protocol like Golden Notes is unfeasible over the Bitcoin-segwit BTC network. Arbitrarily the development team maintains the block size parked at 1MB (+ 1MB Segwit), insufficient to scale, maintain the low fees that a true cash system requires and give the network the ability to record additional information on transactions, which is absolutely required for the Golden Notes sub-protocol.

We require a "blockchain" that maintains the original Bitcoin protocol to simply and effectively solve the problem of the Byzantine generals, while allowing blocks large enough to keep fees very low (that is, allow us to be competitive) and support the Golden Notes registration protocol. While Golden Notes (as well as the crypto-asset Bitcoin BSV and other protocols that can work on the network) gain traction and are massively used, the number of transactions registered exceeds the costs of mining and produces the necessary utility for the system to work. These are the reasons why the best blockchain option is Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV).


Golden Notes, the platform developed by Golden Notes SAS, a blockchain software startup and launched by Golden Notes LLC, will create through Golden Notes certified agreements with indelible digital signatures in Smart-contracts as well as different fungible and non-fungible tokens for various sectors of industry and the economy whose underlying collateral are the Golden Notes.

Tokenization will be applicable to physical assets of the real economy or future contracts for products, goods, and services with agreed payments, such as for the sale of energy, agricultural products, square meters of land + projects, telecommunications services, cash backs of payments with Ecosystem discounts and contracts for the sale of goods and services already certified with a guarantee of future payment, which in all cases have as a counterpart underlying collateral of the guarantee, the Golden Notes and the free exchange on the platform of these tokens, which generate opportunities for the collaborative economy.

Golden Notes is also a platform that understands an era where the internet of things, big data and intelligence applied to lateral thinking generate new dystopian models in distributed collaborative economy systems, where total disintermediation in both data processing and decision-making will be massive. This disruption generates systems with the characteristic of being accessible to anyone and distributed, reducing the need for intermediaries, which enhances the possibility of direct retribution from the consumer to the service provider, without losing the positive characteristics of the market. (Easy access, reputation, history, automation of hiring and payment processes).

This new era achieves symmetry and traceability of the information given that the data in the Blockchain is stored in a way that is 100% auditable for all the participants, the work with data in the Blockchain becomes extremely transparent, which reduces the need for third parties to centralize the process to perform that role creating enormous opportunities for IoT, Big Data and computational networks resistant to the Byzantine fault.

Golden Notes is an ecosystem of mutual support in free and individual barter based on the gold standard and the economy based on natural capital resources that allow us to conserve, recover, energetically resize the lux to achieve a jump in the quality of life and interchange of conscious human actions for this generation: disruptive, innovative, distributed, sustainable, circular and collaborative that provoke a scenario in which market intermediation models, although relatively recent, compete to fill the gaps left by the inefficient centralized model, being more organic, universal, transparent, synergistic, holacratic and dystopian collaborative economy systems.

Golden Notes returns the price standard to the gold standard, the oldest, safest and most real store of value used by man on earth. Gold certified by Golden Notes represents a finite, scarce, durable, fungible resource, with a stable value in grams of gold, being a practical value of use for barter, as a means of exchange, unit of account and transmission of instantaneous value between pairs...

A tradable digital security built on the Bitcoin transactional network (BSV), which through the Nakamoto consensus and proof of work, allows instant exchange between peers without the need for the "middle man", and using the intrinsic value of gold digitally certified as the only trusted source in the exchange between free beings, who privately agree on the fairest conditions for their commercial interactions.

El comprador de Golden Notes buyers get in property one gram of certified gold in reserve as underlying collateral for each Golden Note in his wallet, which is in physical custody, although at the same time he can use it to exchange value instantly, acquire another asset or pay for a good or service through the Golden Notes platform, in a free barter between peers, fairly, transparently, and in the most efficient way. If, instead of this, the owner chooses to take it as a reserve of value or hedge during the period of existence,  he can redeem it on the tenth year of its issuance for SKR certified physical gold in custody of Golden Notes, in which case the digital asset will be burned and the gold delivered to the holder. The proprietary can optionally choose to continue to own his Golden Notes and use them as a digital store of value or barter instrument.

Golden Notes, as a gold-based store of value, offers stability, security, and confidence as it is backed by a natural capital asset. It offers the market the opportunity to exchange value via algorithms transmitted and registered in real-time on the blockchain, generating transparency in operations between peers with indelible records, guaranteeing the traceability of the transaction.

Golden Notes are transferable, divisible, perdurable, stable, fungible, unit of account, mean of exchange, store of value, and useful instrument for private commercial exchange.

Golden Notes Digital Asset for Financial Freedom / Private Peer to Peer Barter Instrument / Mean of Exchange based on Gold.

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The Bitcoin technology applied to the oldest store of value in human history: Gold.

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Each Golden Note equals the value of one gram of gold which is divided into 10,000 parts, which we call quarks (each part is equivalent to 100 micrograms of gold), small enough to allow microtransactions, while the Golden Notes allow you to transfer huge amounts in real-time at a cost close to zero.


The Golden Notes web app allows its holders to send and / or receive Golden Notes with counterparties anywhere in the world in real time, or keep a savings of your Golden Notes in Bitcoin unspent transaction ouputs, accessible only from your personal wallets, escrow private keys linked to your personal Google account.

Store of Value

Since Golden Notes are equivalent to the price of a gram of gold, they are an ideal haven asset against the inevitable devaluation of fiat currencies and the undesirable volatility of crypto-assets.
También los Golden Notes  son el medio de cambio y estándar de valor para un sin número de tokens no fungibles que representan activos de la economía real.


Make transfers using digital signatures on the Bitcoin SV Blockchain. Only the owner of the private key can transfer ownership of his Golden Notes simply by knowing the public address of the person he wants to transfer to and signing the transaction. The Golden Notes platform allows this function in the most user-friendly way and with the highest level of security, with no prior crypto experience or knowledge required.

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